Asos Autumn/Winter Wish List

I'm always checking what's new in on Asos, I might check check it a bit too much to be honest. Hopefully I'm not the only one that's obsessed with checking what's new in! Anyway all this checking what's new in has led me to have quite a large Autumn/Winter wish list, I swear my summer wish list never seems to be as big as my winter one.

You may see a theme throughout my wish list and its also the reason why there is too much in my wish list. I had a quick look through my Autumn/Winter wardrobe and I just felt uninspired. All I could see was so much black, which actually depressed me. This Autumn/Winter I'm feeling very colourful, I want to inject some colour into my winter wardrobe. I don't mean neon colours, I'm talking your winter brights like mustard, emerald green, red, baby pink, navy and even cream. Ok, so maybe any colour that isn't black! I don't know what's come over me to be honest, but its not going to be great for my bank balance that's for sure.
There will obviously be the odd few black pieces, as that's just my general winter look.

There's quite a few pieces to get through, so why don't you go grab a drink and maybe even a snack. I'll split this into categories to make it easier and of course I'll link all the pieces in case you love them just as much as I do.










I hope I've given you a bit of inspiration for your Autumn/Winter wardrobe. I now have the difficult task of deciding what I love the most and only ordering those pieces. How I'm going to decide I have no idea!


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